There once was a fox and a rabbit. Naturally, the fox fancied the rabbit for a bit of a meal so he hid, waiting for the rabbit to come by, which is what eventually happened.
The fox jumped out of his hiding place and said with a smile, “Good afternoon, Dinner!”
Without a word, the rabbit turned and was away in a flash.
The fox, not to be done out of his plan so easily, immediately gave chase. The rabbit ran as he had never run before. He ran under fences, he ran through bushes, he ran in and out of hollow logs, he even ran through the culvert under the road.
The fox ran right behind the rabbit, so close that several times the rabbit felt the fox’s hot breath on his tail.
Eventually, the fox began to tire out, and consequently gave up the chase. But the rabbit ran until he was well out of sight, and then he ran a little further. Without a doubt, the rabbit was also very tired. In fact, he had never been so tired in all his life. But you see, the rabbit was running for his life – the fox was only running for his next meal.
So, next time you feel tired out, remember that Satan is running for a meal, but you are running for your life!
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