Definition: A price paid to buy back or to bring about release from some obligation or undesirable circumstance. The most significant ransom price is that of the shed blood of Jesus Christ. By paying over the value of that ransom in heaven, Jesus opened the way for Adam’s offspring to be delivered from the sin and death that we all inherit because of the sin of our forefather Adam.
Definición: Un precio que se paga para recobrar por compra a alguien, o librarlo de alguna obligación o circunstancia indeseable. El precio de rescate más significativo es el de la sangre derramada de Jesucristo. Al pagar en el cielo el valor de ese rescate, Jesús abrió el camino para que la prole de Adán fuera librada del pecado y la muerte que todos heredamos debido al pecado de nuestro antepasado Adán.
the redemption of a prisoner, slave, or kidnapped person, of captured goods, etc., for a price.
the sum or price paid or demanded.
a means of deliverance or rescue from punishment for sin, esp. the payment of a redemptive fine.
–verb (used with object)
to redeem from captivity, bondage, detention, etc., by paying a demanded price.
to release or restore on receipt of a ransom.
to deliver or redeem from punishment for sin.
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