
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sal. 41:12 Ps. 41:12.

Jueves 20 de mayo
A causa de mi integridad me has sostenido (Sal. 41:12).
Según el Salmo 41, en cierta ocasión el rey David enfermó gravemente y estuvo por un tiempo postrado en cama. Su estado era tan crítico que algunos de sus enemigos creyeron que no se recuperaría (versículos 7 y 8). Aunque David no esperaba que Jehová lo curara milagrosamente, tenía claro que ‘lo sustentaría’, es decir, que lo fortalecería y le daría todo su apoyo durante la enfermedad (versículo 3). Y lo cierto es que David necesitaba su ayuda, pues además de estar enfermo, estaba rodeado de enemigos que decían cosas muy crueles sobre él (versículos 5 y 6). Es posible que Jehová lo haya fortalecido ayudándolo a centrarse en pensamientos positivos. Puede que a David le haya animado pensar que Jehová lo consideraba un hombre íntegro. Al final David se recuperó. ¡Qué bueno es saber que Jehová puede sostener a los enfermos! (2 Cor. 1:3.)

Thursday, May 20
Because of my integrity you have upheld me.—Ps. 41:12.
King David once experienced a severe sickness, which is mentioned in Psalm 41. Confined for a time to a sickbed, David was so ill that it seemed to some of his enemies that he would never “get up again.” (Verses 7, 8) David did not expect Jehovah to perform a miracle and remove the sickness. Rather, David felt certain that Jehovah would “sustain him”—that is, give him support and strength while he was lying on his sickbed. (Verse 3) David definitely needed such help. In addition to the sickness that weakened him, he was surrounded by enemies who were saying evil things about him. (Verses 5, 6) Jehovah may well have strengthened David by bringing to his mind comforting thoughts. David may also have found strength in reflecting on the fact that Jehovah regarded him as a man of integrity. David did finally recover from his sickness. Is it not reassuring to know that Jehovah can sustain those who are sick?—2 Cor. 1:3

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