
Friday, June 10, 2011

Do Your Plans Harmonize With God’s Purpose?


THE bird known as Clark’s nutcracker is a gray-white songbird that can be seen flitting through the forests of western North America. It collects and buries as many as 33,000 seeds annually, storing them in some 2,500 different locations in preparation for the frigid winter months. Indeed, this bird is “instinctively wise” in the way it makes provision for the future.—Proverbs 30:24.

Humans possess an even more remarkable ability. Of all Jehovah’s earthly creations, humans have an unsurpassed capacity to learn from past experiences and to allow these lessons to influence their plans for the future. “Many are the plans in the heart of a man,” observed wise King Solomon.—Proverbs 19:21.

Even so, humans generally have little choice but to base their plans on assumptions about the future. For example, you plan tomorrow’s activities assuming that the sun will rise and that you will still be alive. The first assumption is well-founded; the second is less certain. Realistically, the Bible writer James said: “You do not know what your life will be tomorrow.”—James 4:13, 14.

Jehovah God does not have such limitations. He knows “from the beginning the finale.” His stated purpose will be fulfilled, come what may. “My own counsel will stand,” he declares, “and everything that is my delight I shall do.” (Isaiah 46:10) What happens, though, when mankind’s plans conflict with God’s purpose?

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Christian view the Bible as the inspired Word of God, absolute truth, beneficial for teaching and disciplining mankind.