
Monday, June 13, 2011

Pro. 15:13—Prov. 15:13.

Lunes 13 de junio
A causa del dolor del corazón hay un espíritu herido (Pro. 15:13).
Algunos cristianos se descorazonan tanto que dejan de leer la Palabra de Dios y meditar en ella. Además, comienzan a orar mecánicamente y a aislarse de sus hermanos en la fe. Sin duda alguna, es peligroso caer en largos períodos de desaliento (Pro. 18:1, 14). Por otro lado, el optimismo nos ayuda a centrarnos en aspectos de la vida que pueden proporcionarnos satisfacción y gozo. De modo que cuando las cosas nos vayan mal, lo último que debemos hacer es descuidar las actividades espirituales, las cuales son un auténtico antídoto contra la infelicidad. Jehová nos enseña que seremos verdaderamente dichosos si estudiamos con constancia su Palabra (Sal. 1:1, 2; Sant. 1:25). Al leer las Santas Escrituras y asistir a las reuniones cristianas, examinamos “dichos agradables” que nos alegran y animan (Pro. 12:25; 16:24).

Monday, June 13
Because of the pain of the heart there is a stricken spirit.—Prov. 15:13.
Some Christians have become disheartened to the point of discontinuing their personal Bible reading and their meditation on God’s Word. Their prayers have become perfunctory, and they may isolate themselves from fellow worshippers. Clearly, remaining in a state of dejection can be harmful. (Prov. 18:1, 14) On the other hand, a positive perspective will help us to focus on aspects of our lives from which we can derive delight and joy. When matters go wrong in our lives, the last thing we should do is discontinue our healthy routine of worship. In fact, an antidote for sadness is to engage in activities that bring happiness. Jehovah tells us that we can find delight and happiness in reading his Word and in peering into it regularly. (Ps. 1:1, 2; Jas. 1:25) Both from the Holy Scriptures and from Christian meetings, we receive “pleasant sayings” that can buoy us up and make our hearts rejoice.—Prov. 12:25; 16:24.

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Christian view the Bible as the inspired Word of God, absolute truth, beneficial for teaching and disciplining mankind.