Miércoles 13 de abril
Lo que yo enseño no es mío, sino que pertenece al que me ha enviado (Juan 7:16).
Jesús fue el “representante del Padre” aquí en la Tierra (Juan 16:27, 28). Aun así, y aunque tenía todas las credenciales como Mesías, la gran mayoría de los judíos de su día se negaron a reconocerlo. ¿Por qué? Por sus ideas preconcebidas. Para empezar, esperaban a un líder que los liberara del yugo romano (Juan 12:34). En cambio, las profecías bíblicas indicaban que el Mesías sería un hombre despreciado y rechazado, que estaría familiarizado con la enfermedad y el dolor, y que moriría asesinado. ¡Ellos nunca aceptarían a alguien así! (Isa. 53:3, 5.) Incluso algunos de los discípulos de Jesús se sintieron decepcionados al ver que él no había liberado a la nación de Israel. No obstante, fueron leales, y con el tiempo lograron comprender con claridad los asuntos (Luc. 24:21).
Wednesday, April 13
What I teach is not mine, but belongs to him that sent me.—John 7:16.
On earth, Jesus was “the Father’s representative.” (John 16:27, 28) Although Jesus had overwhelming credentials proving that he was the Messiah, the vast majority of the first-century Jews did not acclaim him. Why? Because they had their own preconceived ideas about the Messiah, including that he would be a political messiah who would liberate them from Roman oppression. (John 12:34) Thus, they could not accept the Messiah who fulfilled the prophecies that said he would be despised, avoided by men, meant for pains and for having acquaintance with sickness, and finally killed. (Isa. 53:3, 5) Even some of Jesus’ loyal disciples were disappointed at his not providing political deliverance. But they remained loyal, and in time, accurate understanding was given them.—Luke 24:21.
Examining the Bible Scriptures Daily, Such instructions gave Jesus ‘the tongue of the taught ones’ so that he would ‘know how to answer the tired one with a word.’ (Isa. 30:20; 50:4; Matt. 11:28-30) Being awakened to timely counsel from the Word of God each morning will not only help you to cope with your own problems but also equip you with ‘the tongue of the taught ones’ to help others.”
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- jessie
- Christian view the Bible as the inspired Word of God, absolute truth, beneficial for teaching and disciplining mankind.
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