Lunes 11 de abril
Ten[gan] entre sí la misma actitud mental que tuvo Cristo Jesús (Rom. 15:5).
Podemos aprender mucho de los hermanos que llevan años imitando con fe a Jesús y se esfuerzan por comprender las imperfecciones de los demás. Han aprendido que actuar con compasión no solo ayuda a “soportar las debilidades de los que no son fuertes”, sino que también promueve la unidad y anima a toda la congregación a cultivar la misma actitud mental que Jesús (Rom. 15:1). Él dijo de sí mismo que era “humilde de corazón” y apacible, y la apacibilidad forma parte del fruto del espíritu santo de Dios (Mat. 11:29). De modo que necesitamos espíritu santo para imitar bien a Jesús; no basta con estudiar su ejemplo. Pidámosle a Jehová su espíritu y esforcémonos por cultivar el fruto que este produce (Gál. 5:22, 23). Si seguimos el ejemplo de humildad y apacibilidad que nos dejó Jesús, contaremos con el favor de nuestro Padre celestial.
Monday, April 11
Have among yourselves the same mental attitude that Christ Jesus had.—Rom. 15:5.
We can learn much by imitating the faith of those who have spent many years imitating Christ. Like Jesus, these usually show understanding of others’ imperfections. They have learned that showing Christlike compassion not only helps us to “bear the weaknesses of those not strong” but also contributes to unity. (Rom. 15:1) Furthermore, it encourages the entire congregation to reflect Christ’s mental attitude. Jesus linked being “lowly in heart” with mildness, which is part of the fruitage of God’s holy spirit. (Matt. 11:29) Therefore, along with studying Jesus’ example, we need Jehovah’s holy spirit, so that we can imitate that example properly. We should pray for God’s holy spirit and strive to cultivate its fruitage. (Gal. 5:22, 23) By thus following the pattern of humility and mildness that Jesus provided, we will please our heavenly Father, Jehovah.
Examining the Bible Scriptures Daily, Such instructions gave Jesus ‘the tongue of the taught ones’ so that he would ‘know how to answer the tired one with a word.’ (Isa. 30:20; 50:4; Matt. 11:28-30) Being awakened to timely counsel from the Word of God each morning will not only help you to cope with your own problems but also equip you with ‘the tongue of the taught ones’ to help others.”
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- jessie
- Christian view the Bible as the inspired Word of God, absolute truth, beneficial for teaching and disciplining mankind.
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