
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Rom. 12:1—Rom. 12:1

Martes 4 de octubre
Entreguen todo su ser como sacrificio vivo a Dios. Esa ofrenda que es su vida debe estar dedicada solamente a Dios para poder agradarle (Rom. 12:1, La Palabra de Dios para Todos, 2008).
Para ser parte de la familia de adoradores de Dios, hay que hacer una promesa solemne. ¿Por qué? Ilustrémoslo. Un padre de familia muy respetado por la comunidad conoce a un muchacho huérfano, se encariña con él y decide adoptarlo. Pero le pone una condición: “Quiero que me prometas que me verás como tu padre y que me amarás y respetarás siempre”. A menos que el joven le haga esa promesa solemne, no lo aceptará como hijo. Sin duda, no es una exigencia irrazonable. En el caso de Jehová ocurre igual: solo aceptará en su familia a quienes estén dispuestos a hacer un voto de dedicación.

Tuesday, October 4
Offer your very selves to him: a living sacrifice, dedicated and fit for his acceptance.—Rom. 12:1, “The New English Bible.”
Before someone who is alienated from God can become a member of God’s family of approved servants, he first needs to make a solemn promise to Jehovah. To understand why, imagine a respectable father who shows kind interest in an orphaned youth and wishes to adopt him as a member of his own family. The father is known to be a good man. Still, before accepting the youth as his son, the man wants the boy to make a promise. So the man says, “Before I accept you as a son, I need to know that you will love and respect me as your father.” Only if the youth is willing to make a solemn promise will the man admit him into his family. Is that not reasonable? Similarly, Jehovah accepts into his family only those who are willing to make a vow of dedication to him.

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Christian view the Bible as the inspired Word of God, absolute truth, beneficial for teaching and disciplining mankind.